Wednesday, February 10, 2010

4 Camera CCTV System

Trevor: Hi I'm looking for an exterior 4 night vision camera system with an 8 channel recorder so that i can add cameras at a later date. Don't want to go too mad on price though! I shoul be ok to install myself but dont want to end up with in ifficent cameras etc. Can you sujest?
->> Yes certainly. Would these be outdoor cameras?
->> How far would they need to see especially in the dark?
Trevor: Yes I would like to mount them at roof gutter level so need to be about 20mts
->> This package would be my recommendation. You can go for an 8 channel DVR with this for around 100 pounds extra
Trevor: Ok thanks I will have a look and come back to you . Thanks.
->> No problem. You can also reach me on 0208 035 8671 or email me on with any queries.
Trevor: Hi again , How long are the cables for the camera supply and are they all indevidual?
->> They come in 1 X 10, 2 X 20 and 1 X 40 meter length
->> We can change if you want.
Trevor: Thanks
->> They carry both video and power so you will power the cameras next to your DVR.
->> Just makes your life much easier rather than power points all around the house.
Trevor: Thats good so all the cables can be run to 1 point and powered from there.Am i correct in thinking that?
->> Absolutely.
Trevor: Great, regarding the DVR, I have been advised to get an 8 chanel so that additional cameras can be added later, you say it will be about £100 more. Is there anything else that I need to concider? can I view the images through my computer screen without having a monitor and if so does it use any memory from the computer?
Trevor: Just thought how do I get the system to record on motion detection? is this part of this system?
->> Yes it would record on motion detection and the system can be linked to the Internet for remote viewing.
Trevor: ok so with the system you have recomended we get 4 infra red cameras, 8 channel dvd recorder remote sensor recording, I can run all the cables together, to a study for instance and connect power etc there and connect to pc monitor to view.Have I got it correct?
Trevor: Just somthing else I have thought of, How well do the cameras see in the dark? will I need infra red spots for a clear view?
->> Yes you have got that right. The cameras can see in pitch dark and give you fantastic image up to 20 meters in complete darkness.
->> I beg you pardon. Its actually up to 25 meters.
Trevor: Thats great. What I will do is measure the distances of each camera back to the study area and would it be best if I give you a ring to order when I am ready?
->> Yes that's important to order over the phone so that we can double check everything with you to ensure you haven't missed anything.
Trevor: Ok will do. Thanks for your help you have saved me some time pondering which way to go. Will ring you asap. Many Thanks again.
->> My pleasure :-)
Trevor: Cheers. Just one more thing b4 I go Will it be ok to add a high res camera to this system at a later date and can you tell me the approx cost of one of these?
->> Yes absolutely. We have variety of high res cameras and the one that comes with this system are 90 pounds each
->> So just above 100 pounds with cable and power supply.
Trevor: Sorry a High rtes 70m night vision camera.
->> This camera can see up to 100 meters
->> This one can see up to 50-60 meters.
Trevor: Great Thanks again.
->> No problem.

Tags: 4,Camera,CCTV,System,

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